About me

I am a PhD student at physics department, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, US. My research interest includes

  • dark matter
  • neutrino physics
  • nuclear physics

My current research focuses on probing BSM (Beyond Standard Model) particles such as dark matter and axion by inelastic nucleus scattering.

Apart from physics, I’m also interested in data science and machine learning in the applications. See Posts for the projects I’ve done.

How to read my website

  • Publications: the list of my publications (mostly in high enery physics)
  • Research: the supplements of the technical details that don’t shown in the publications
  • Talks: the list of the talks I gave
  • Teaching: my teaching experience
  • Posts: blog posts, including my side projects and some of my research (but not many)
  • CV/Resume: academic CV and industrial resume