Workshop: Data Science in Physics

This is a (sort of) biweekly event on Thursdays

Last update: 04/26/2023 won't updated anymore

Date Location Topics Slides Code folder
10/14/2022 MIST 102 Python fundamentals and env setup slides variables, flow control, function, scope, read/write, exception
10/28/2022 MIST 102 Python packages: Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy included in the code packages, numpy, matplotlib, scipy, pandas
11/11/2022 MIST 102 Advanced python: Modules, OOP, FP, parallel included in the code module parent/module child, FP, OOP, decorator, parallel
3:30-4:30pm 03/02/2023 MIST 108 Stats with python: descriptive statistics included in the code desc_stats.ipynb
4-5pm 03/23/2023 MIST 108 Stats with python: inferential statistics slides no code
4-5pm 04/06/2023 MIST 108 Computer cluser: Terra and Grace included in the code linux script
4-5pm 04/27/2023 MIST MB02 (the smaller basement room) Data analysis in high energy physics; ML/DL in physics slides no code