Inelastic Nuclear Scattering

Last update: April 08, 2024


Inelastic nuclear scattering is the scattering in which the nucleus gets excited by one of the following

  • a high energy particle like proton, neutron, electron, or even dark matter (2 to 2 scattering)
  • a particle being absorbed by nucleus (2 to 1 scattering)

Shortly after the nucleus gets excited, it quickly (almost immediately) drop to ground state and meanwhile emits a photon. In experiment we catch this deexcitation photon as signal.

inel nucleus scattering

Advantages and Disadvantages

Such deexcitation photon has many advantages:

  • Sharpness in energy spectrum: the photon has a defined energy, ie. it has a sharp energy spectrum, so it provides good statistics (statisical power, sensitivity, background reduction, etc)
  • Documentation: there are enormous database and literacy that documented and studied the photon
  • Efficiency: the detection of single-energy photon is efficient.

However, the disadvantages are

  • Nuclear physics is complicated and challenging to compute
  • Smaller rate than elastic scattering
  • Narrower search range than elastic scattering

Nuclear database

The database collects the state energy, spin, parity, lifetime, rate and so on for almost every nucleus.


My publications

These are my publications related to inelastic nuclear scattering

  • Inelastic nuclear scattering from neutrinos and dark matter: theoretical calculations for inelastic neutrino-nucleus scattering and inelastic dark matter-nucleus scattering
  • Probing the dark sector with nuclear transition photons: search dark matter by inelastic dark matter-nucleus scattering
  • Axionlike particle production at beam dump experiments with distinct nuclear excitation lines: search axion by axion-nucleus absorption
  • Exciting Prospects for Dark Matter at Large-Volume Neutrino Detectors: search dark matter by inelastic dark matter-nucleus scattering